Flourpedia.comLow protein, low moisture wheat. Soft endosperm, white bran, weak gluten. Used in pastries, cakes, biscuits, crackers, flat breads, Asian-style noodles and snack foods. Can also be used for blanding.

512 Soft White and 96 Club Samples Collected from state, private grain inspection agencies and commercial wheat handling operations.

Wheat Marketing Center (WMC) conducted wheat and flour quality testing and analyses.
Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) graded and tested wheat protein content.

Official grade, protein, moisture, thousand kernel weight and falling number tests were determined on each sample. The remaining tests were conducted on 3 composite samples categorized by protein ranges of <9.0%, 9.0% to 10.5%, >10.5% and one composite of all WC samples. The methods are described in the Analysis Methods section of this booklet.


The Pacific Northwest had nearly ideal growing conditions for the 2017 soft white wheat (SW) crop. There was limited to adequate soil moisture at planting, and most of the area received adequate rainfall during winter and spring. 

Late spring was generally warm and dry, while wheat harvest was mostly hot and dry. USDA estimates total 2017 SW production at 6.14 million metric tons (MMT), down slightly from 2016. Of that, the Washington Grain Commission estimates white club (WC) accounts for 359,000 metric tons (MT).

SW Grade Distribution

Pacific Northwest Soft White Wheat Production


The Overall average grade of the 2017 SW and WC crops is U.S. No. 1. The average SW test weight of 60.9 lb/bu (80.1 kg/hl) is close to last year's 60.8 lb/bu (80.0 kg/hl); WC test weight of 60.2 lb/bu (79.2 kg/ hl) is slightly less than 2016's 60.8 lb/bu (80.0 kg/hl). 

All other SW grade factors and dockage are similar to last year and the 5-year averages. WC shrunken and broken kernel percentages are slightly higher than last year, but below the 5-year average. 

WC dockage is lower than last year and the 5-year average. Other WC grade factors are similar to past averages. Wheat moisture for both SW and WC is below last year and the 5-year averages, which reflects the dry harvest conditions.

The Overall SW and WC wheat protein contents (12% mb) of 9.6% and 9.4%, respectively, are each 0.5 percentage points below the respective 2016 values and well below the wheat protein 5-year averages. 

SW wheat ash content (14% mb) is lower than last year and the 5-year average; WC wheat ash is higher than last year, but lower than the 5-year average. Thousand kernel weights for SW and WC are below 2016 levels, but above the respective 5-year averages. 

Both SW and WC kernel diameters are similar to last year and the 5-year averages. Falling number values are 337 sec for SW and 348 sec for WC, indicating sound wheat.

Test weight, Hectoliter weight, Wheat Moisture, Protein (12% MB), 1000 kernel weight and Falling Number of Soft White


The 2017 crop Buhler laboratory mill flour extractions for SW of 73.5% and WC of 74.0% are both lower than last year and the 5-year averages. Flour protein content (14% mb) is 8.4% and 8.0% for SW and WC, respectively. 

Flour ash content (14% mb) for both SW and WC is slightly higher than last year, but lower than 5-year averages. Amylograph peak viscosity values are 487 BU for SW and 546 BU for WC, higher than last year. 

Starch damage values are lower for SW and WC than last year and 5-year averages. SW and WC solvent retention capacity (SRC) water values are similar to last year and 5-year averages; sucrose, lactic acid, and sodium carbonate values are lower than last year and the 5-year averages; and gluten performance index (GPI) is similar to last year and 5-year averages. 

SW and WC farinograph peak and stability times are similar to last year and the 5-year average, while water absorption is lower. The SW and WC alveograph L values are lower than last year and 5-year averages. 

SW and WC extensograph resistance is higher than last year and 5-year averages, but extensibility values are shorter than last year and 5-year averages. Sponge cake volume for SW at 1114 cc is smaller than last year and 5-year averages, and the total score is slightly less than last year and 5-year averages. 

The sponge cake volume for WC at 1176 cc is smaller than last year and 5-year averages, and total score is slightly higher than last year and 5-year averages. SW and WC cookie diameter values are larger than last year and 5-year averages. SW and WC cookie spread factors are more than last year and 5-year averages.

Farinograms, Alveograms and Extensogram Soft White


Each flour was made into southern-type steamed bread and compared to a control flour. SW specific volume is higher than last year, but the same as the 5-year average. WC specific volume is the same as last year, but less than the 5-year average. The SW total score is slightly lower than last year, while WC's is higher than last year.


The 2017 PNW soft white wheat crop is generally characterized by having similar kernel characteristics to last year with good test weight, lower moisture content, lower protein content, higher falling number values and acceptable finished product characteristics. 

This year’s WC quality characteristics follow the same trend as SW. The high protein segment of the SW crop provides opportunities in blends for Asian noodles, steamed breads, flat breads and pan breads.


Percentage of total US SW production by export tributary region

The export cargo data represent 60 individual sublot samples provided by USDA’s Federal Grain Inspection Service for crop year 2016 (August 2016 through May 2017) and 90 samples for 2015 all from PNW ports. Grade data are the official grades on the individual sublots. Wheat Marketing Center conducted the milling and processing analyses.

Harvest and Export Cargo Data Soft White

Title : SOFT WHITE (US Wheat Associates 2017 Crop Quality Report)
Originally Post At : www.uswheat.org

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