1. Determining Acidity in Flours
The acidity of a flour is an important indicator of its freshness. The fats and phosphatides (lecithin) are broken down enzymatically during storage of the flour. This breakdown is accelerated by a high water content, high temperatures and a high degree of extraction. The lipases and phosphatases naturally present in the cereal cause an increase in the percentage of free fatty acids and phosphate.

To a certain extent this breakdown is desirable as a maturing of the flour, but once the tolerances are exceeded the flours become inedible. By determining the acidity of the flour, taking the degree of extraction into account, it is possible to monitor the progress of maturing and the possible start of deterioration. Since the changes in the flour during storage consist mainly in an increase in the free fatty acids, the sample is suspended in ethanol (67% alcohol) before filtration. The filtrate is then titrated withsodium hydroxide solution to a pH of 8.5. The amount of 0.1 N (mol/L) of sodium hydroxide solution required (multiplied by two) is a measure of the degree of acidity. Titration is sometimes carried out using the indicator dye phenolphthalein, but the point at which the colour changes from yellow to pink is difficult to determine precisely. It has therefore become established practice to use a pH meter.

2. Determining the Falling Number as a Measure of α-Amylase Activity
The gelatinization properties of the starch in wheat or rye dough depend greatly on the α-amylase activity. Since rye starch gelatinizes at low temperatures, it is more easily broken down by this enzyme. It is therefore especially important to establish the gelatinization properties of rye flours. Determination of the Falling Number and the Amylogram have established themselves as standard methods. The Amylogram is used mainly for testing rye, whereas the Falling Number serves as a measure for both cereals.

To determine the Falling Number, 7 g of flour are heated with 25 mL of distilled water in a water bath for one minute to approximately 95 °C (modified Falling Number: approx. 80 - 95 °C). The viscosity of the starch gel thus obtained is then determined by measuring the time the stirring rod takes to sink through the gel to the bottom of the measuring cylinder. The Falling Number is the sum of the stirring and sinking time. It is stated in seconds. The minimum Falling Number is 60 s. When the flour is weighed, its moisture content is assumed to be 15%. If the water content differs from this value, the amount weighed in must be corrected by calculation or according to a special table.
 Fig. 41: Equipment for determining the Falling Number (source: Mühlenchemie GmbH & Co. KG)
Nowadays the test is performed with a Falling Number device (Fig. 41) that carries out the stirring and measuring procedure automatically. If the enzymatic activity is high, the starch is broken down very rapidly during gelatinization. The stirring rod falls through the relatively liquid paste in a short time. The Falling Number is low. If the activity of the amylases is low it takes much longer for the rod to cover the distance and trigger the signal for the end of the process. This equipment can also be used to adjust the amylase activity of flour mixtures or determine the amount of malt to be added. With the aid of a diagram it is easy to read off the mixing ratios. Conversely, it is possible to make a precise adjustment to the desired Falling Number. But blending with other flours is preferable, since enzyme-active malt flours contain the whole spectrum of cereal enzymes as well as the starch-degrading enzymes. In other words, they are able to break down the other constituents to an undesirable extent. Determination of the Falling Number is an internationally recognized method that has long been used as ICC Standard No. 107.

3. Determining the Gelatinization Properties of Starch with the Amylograph
The Amylograph (Fig. 42) enables continuous measurement of the changes of viscosity in a flour-and-water suspension during heating. For heating, a temperature gradient is selected that corresponds to the rise in temperature during the baking process; this means that the Amylograph can be used to make important predictions about the baking properties of the flour. Besides the gelatinization characteristics of the starch it also shows the effect of the amylases.
 Fig. 42: Amylograph (source: Brabender OHG)
To obtain an Amylogram, flour (14% moisture) and water are transferred to the stirring bowl, ensuring that there are no lumps. The bowl contains rods that project upwards with the suspension between them. When the bowl has been placed in the appropriate opening in the device, the sensor is inserted into it from the top. The sensor is fitted with similar rods, projecting vertically downwards. During heating, the liquid has to flow between the rods projecting into it from above and below, since the bowl is rotated continuously. The shear forces that occur between the rods as gelatinization progresses are recorded on a diagram as changes in viscosity; this results in the typical curve of an Amylogram.

When gelatinization starts, the suspension reaches the optimum temperature for α-amylase activity. The rise in viscosity to be seen on the evaluation diagram is the product of the increase caused by gelatinization and liquefaction by the amylases. Besides the maximum viscosity, the curve also shows the temperature at the start of gelatinization and at its maximum. A viscosity of at least 200 AU (Amylogram units) alone is not enough for rye to be classified as bread rye; a temperature of at least 63 °C in the suspension must also have been reached at this time.

Testing of wheat and rye flours with the Amylograph conforms to ICC Standard 126/1. It is especially important for assessing rye flour products. This method is also suitable for investigating the effects of enzyme-active ingredients.

A further measure of the breakdown of starch is the maltose content of the flour. Being a degradation product of starch, maltose – also called malt sugar – may indicate increased sprouting of the grain. The method is based on the enzyme activity of the flours and measures the fermentable sugar formed within an hour at 27 °C. The amount of maltose measured is influenced chiefly by ß-amylase activity, but the starch damaged during milling may also contribute to a high "maltose number". If a value of 2.3% for rye or 1.8% for wheat is exceeded, it must be assumed that there is too much activity of starch-degrading enzymes or too much damage to the starch.

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