Eastern Canadian Wheat Classes
Approximately 1.2 mio t of wheat is produced annually in the southern Ontario peninsula between the Great Lakes (5-year average from 1998 to 2002). There are four wheat classes grown in Ontario:
• Canada Eastern White Winter (CEWW),
• Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter (CESRW),
• Canada Eastern Hard Red Winter (CEHRW)
• Canada Eastern Red Spring (CERS).
Approximately 150,000 t of wheat is produced annually in southern Quebec, almost exclusively hard red spring wheat. In the Maritimes production is variable, but in a typical year about 30,000 t of red winter wheat and about 70,000 t of spring wheat is produced annually. There are three milling grades of CEWW, CESRW, CEHRW and CERS. KVD was removed as a criteria for red wheat registration in Eastern Canada in 1989, but is still required for white winter wheat varieties. When red wheat is delivered, the class is declared for binning and grading. If the class is not declared, the wheat is binned and graded as Canada Eastern Red (CER) wheat with no class designation. CER is marketed at a lower price than designated red wheat.
Tab. 26: Quality of No 1 grades of Ontario CEWW, CESRW, CEHRW and CERS from the 2002 harvest a
 Until 2001, the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board (OWPMB) was the sole marketing agency for Ontario wheat. Ontario now has a dual marketing system. Producers may deliver to the OWPMB, or may obtain an exemption and sell their product to an agent authorized to buy wheat. All wheat produced in Quebec and the Maritimes is marketed privately. Typical quality of eastern Canadian wheat is represented by quality data from the CGC 2002 Ontario wheat harvest survey in Tab. 26. CEWW and CESRW are both soft wheat classes with low protein and weak gluten, which makes them well suited to confectionery products. CEHRW and CERS are used primarily for baking by the domestic milling industry, in blends with western Canadian wheat.

Canadian Wheat Classes and their Uses
1. Classes of Western Canadian Wheat and their Uses
CWRS wheat is a high protein content hard red spring wheat with superior milling and baking quality. It is offered at various protein levels, to enhance processing flexibility. Main uses include pan bread, hearth bread, Asian noodles, and as a strong blending wheat.
Tab. 27: Canadian wheat flour qualities for specific applications
 CWAD wheat is a high protein content durum wheat that produces a high yield of bright amber semolina. Main uses are for pasta and couscous.

CWES wheat is a hard red spring wheat with extra-strong gluten suitable for blending purposes.

CPSR wheat is a hard red spring wheat of medium protein content suitable for production of hearth breads, flat breads, steamed breads, noodles and related products.

CWRW wheat is a hard red wheat of moderate protein content suitable for a wide variety of products including French breads, flat breads, steamed breads, noodles and related products.

CWHW wheat has similar properties to CWRS but has a white seed coat. The white seed coat gives CWHW a flour colour advantage at high flour extraction, and produces Asian noodles with less visible bran specks even at low flour extraction rate.

CPSW is a hard white wheat of medium protein content and medium gluten strength suitable for the production of various types of Asian noodles, flat breads, chapattis and related products.

CWSWS wheat is a soft white spring wheat of low protein content for production of cookies, cakes and pastry as well as some forms of flat breads, Asian noodles, steamed bread and chapattis.

2. Classes of Eastern Canadian Wheat and their Uses
CERS is a high protein content hard red spring wheat used primarily for bread baking by the domestic industry. Small quantities are occasionally available for export.

CEHRW is a medium protein content hard red winter wheat used primarily for bread baking by the domestic industry. Small quantities are occasionally available for export.

CESRW is a low protein content soft red winter wheat used primarily for crackers, biscuits and cakes. Small
quantities are available for export.

CER wheat is a non-specified blend of hard red spring, hard red winter, and soft red winter for general purpose use.

CEWW is a low protein content soft white winter wheat with exceptional quality for the production of cakes, and some types of biscuits, primarily by the domestic industry. Small quantities are occasionally available for export.

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