2.6. Gluten Aggregation Test with Whole Wheat Meal
Much work has recently been done on wheat flours with the "KO" (knock-out) test (Gluszcynski et al., 2001).

For wholemeal analyses we see further possibilities of characterizing the raw material after grinding wheat in the Falling Number mill. The author feels certain that the use of this method alongside NIR and Falling Number determinations, for example, will enable wheat to be allocated more precisely to quality groups. The method cannot replace the standard tests, nor is it meant to do so; its usefulness lies chiefly in providing quick information on delivered lots of quality wheat. The test itself, on a milled sample, takes only about 15 min.
Fig. 73: Flow chart for the Gluten Aggregation Test
The procedure is shown in the flow chart in Fig. 73. The most important evaluation criteria are aggregation time and aggregation area, and also power uptake (Tab. 62). Moreover, the temperatures should be recorded continuously throughout the test. They are closely related to viscosity behaviour.
Tab. 62: Gluten Aggregation Test
The main purpose of this test is to confirm the stated quality classes of delivered lots of wheat. However, at the points where wheat qualities overlap, this quick test of the raw material also produces ambiguous results, as the diagram of typical GAT (Gluten Aggregation Test) curves shows (Fig. 74).
Fig. 74: Typical curves from the Gluten Aggregation Test on wholemeal wheat
This method is especially suitable for determining the gluten properties of special types of wheat, e.g. for biscuits, at an early stage. Unlike protein analysis, the GA Test indicates characteristics that would not otherwise be discovered until the baking test, in spite of possible overlapping. Tab. 63 shows the possibilities for evaluation. At present these values are only national, i.e. geared to German requirements, for example for acceptance at mills.
Tab. 63: Average results of the Gluten Aggregation Test (wholemeal and extracted flours) 
The first part of the curve with aggregation times up to about 60 s – i.e. those of wheat with medium baking potential such as the German B varieties – is dominated by soft gluten structures with high water absorption. These are revealed analytically by relatively low gluten index values.

This is followed in the range of aggregation times from about 100 to 250 s by patterns showing higher protein, moisture and gluten levels if the corresponding gluten structures (meaning better baking functionalities) can be derived from them.

Wheat with poorer baking properties, i.e. weaker B varieties and also C and feed wheat and the biscuit wheats so important for the durable baked goods industry, that usually have low protein and gluten values and low water absorption, are then characterized by aggregation times of > 300 s or even > 700 s for soft biscuit wheat. Unfortunately the wheats produced by organic farming also fall into this category of inferior baking wheat. Although the protein they contain bakes fairly well, they have very poor aggregation properties because of their lower wheat protein levels and especially their low gluten content.

The information derived from the GAT is made more reliable by the fact that the maximum and mean power uptake and above all the aggregation area circumscribed by the curve are measured in addition to the aggregation time.

But before we go into these general trends in greater detail we should explain the typical differences between the GAT values for extracted wheat flours with mineral contents of about 0.5 to 0.7% in the dry matter and wholemeal flours from a Falling Number mill (Kamas mill).
Fig. 75: Gluten Aggregation Test: results of tests with wheat, Falling Number meal and classified flours of various qualities
The GAT curves for whole wheat meal (Falling Number mill) show more rapid aggregation than those of the extracted flours of the same patterns (0.5 to 0.7% mineral content) because of greater natural viscosity, but the peak value of the curves is lower. This tends to apply to biscuit wheat too. But here a certain amount of aggregation is observed with wholemeal flours which no longer occurs with the extracted flours. This shows that the extraction rate of the cereal and the ingredients of the outer layers of the grains influence the viscosity of the suspension in the GAT. Fig. 75 shows typical curves from the Gluten Aggregation Test carried out on wholemeal wheat flours and extracted flours produced from the same wheat, with a mineral content of about 0.55 to 0.65% of the dry matter, from the various German quality groups. Quality group K characterizes "biscuit wheats" for the durable baked goods industry, and group C "other wheats", including feed wheat. The distinctions between the various quality groups result from comparison and combination of the most important GAT data – aggregation time and area, the course taken by power uptake, and in future perhaps a measurement of the temperature of the suspension as the difference between the initial and final temperature or a temperature at certain points in time.

If we compare all the tests carried out to date on wholemeal flours and the corresponding extracted wheat flours, we find that the wholemeal product yields rather less information on the properties of the gluten because the outer layers of the cereal always reduce gluten formation. When testing wholemeal flour to identify biscuit wheats it is important not to be misled by the fact that certain aggregations may occur after about 400 to 500 s. When extracted flours from the same wheats are tested, these do not occur.

The following GAT trends have been ascertained to date:
• Short aggregation times (up to about 80 s) generally mean high water absorption.
• Soft gluten indicates only moderately good baking properties even if the peak values of the curves are fairly high, i.e. if the protein and gluten content is possibly elevated.
• Late aggregation (periods over 300 s) means lower water absorption, normal to firm gluten but also short gluten, with a generally low protein and gluten content.
• No aggregation or very late aggregation (over 400 s with wholemeal flour or 700 s with extracted flours) indicates very low water absorption, firm, short or even crumbly gluten, and varying but generally low protein and wet gluten content (also organically grown wheat).

Moreover, increasing aggregation areas mean stronger gluten complexes with gluten properties that are generally more suitable for bread baking. These trends are the same whether wholemeal wheat flours or extracted flours are tested. The better possibility of prediction offered by extracted flours is already explained by the fact that their good baking properties have been deliberately concentrated in their design and production. So it is not surprising that wheat with very good baking properties is characterized best; and it is this that makes the GAT valuable for the acceptance of cereals at a mill.
Tab. 64: Variety-specific trends in the GAT on wheat (wholemeal and extracted flours)
But besides the general trends there are also variety-specific observations, especially concerning the results obtained with wholemeal wheat flours; these are then also reflected in the GAT with extracted flours. Tab. 64 shows that a knowledge of varieties is an advantage in this analysis as it is in the assessment of cereals in general. So far these special features have only been followed up with German wheat varieties.
Fig. 76: Wheat characterization by GAT values and baked roll (RMT) volumes
Fig. 77: Wholemeal wheat flours compared with the volume yields (mL/ 100 g) of various quality groups in the RMT
Fig. 77: Wholemeal wheat flours compared with the volume yields (mL/ 100 g) of various quality groups in the RMT
There are promising correlations between GAT values and baked volume when an extracted flour (in Germany Type 550, for example) is used in the Rapid Mix Test, a baking test for bread rolls (Fig. 76 - Fig. 78). Fig. 76 shows the average GAT value ranges obtained to date with German E, A and B wheat with the analytical means of all the samples tested. For example, the E wheats had an average aggregation time of 87 s, an aggregation area of 45 cm2 and a baked volume of 732 mL/100 g flour in the RMT. Fig. 77 shows the scatter, especially of the baked volume in the RMT, in comparison with the GAT measurements. The most important correlations between the aggregation area in the GAT and baked volume in the RMT can be seen from Fig. 78. In the E-wheat range this includes some quality wheat varieties from abroad, for example the USA and Canada, with extreme GAT aggregation areas. Tests have also been carried out with wheat from four non-European and five European growths, in which the quality rating given by the sender was compared with our GAT readings. Requests for samples were made largely according to the following criteria: high and medium baking quality and – especially important – so-called biscuit wheat. The comparability of baking quality was good to very good, with a few deviations that plainly resulted from differences in the definition of good or medium baking quality in Germany and other countries. All the wheats intended for durable baked goods (hard biscuits and wafers) were identified very reliably. A further noticeable feature was that very strong baking wheats from the USA and Canada sometimes produced double peaks, which resulted in extremely large aggregation areas. But in general it was possible to maintain a value greater than 50 cm2 for the aggregation area to differentiate between high and medium baking quality.

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