10.2. What Makes Glutenin Elastic?
Is it the primary structure of the subunits, the concatenation by intermolecular disulfide bonds, the shape of the polymeric proteins? The primary structure of the subunits is formed by a large repetitive domain containing mainly the amino acids glutamine, proline and glycine. The sequence of these amino acids is able to adopt a regular spiral configuration (Shewry et al., 1998), which resembles a metal spring. It has therefore been admitted that these domains might be rod-like and have elastic properties. Numerous springs linked together by the covalent disulphide bonds might form an elastic filament. But molecules of this shape are only conceivable at high shear forces. Relaxed gliadin, glutenin subunits and glutenin polymers soluble in acetic acid were made visible by transmission electron microscopy at a magnification of 10,000x. At low concentrations filament-shaped particles were not detected – only globular forms as can be seen in Fig. 88.
Fig. 88: Transmission electron micrograph of high molecular weight subunits (HMW; 2% in 0.05 mol/L acetic acid).
Because of the large number of possible intra-moleculare interactions, e.g. by hydrogen bonds, the energetically most stable shape of monomeric and polymeric single gluten molecules in water is a rather round one. The filament structure of the polymers also has to be revised since the positions of the sulfhydryl groups, which are able to form intermolecular bonds, have been localized (Köhler et al., 1993). It is now clear that the polymers are highly branched. There are three different types of glutenin subunits characterized by two or more sulfhydryl groups able to form interchain bonds (Fig. 89). The subunits with a high molecular weight (HMW) have more than two cysteine residues and appear to form the backbone of the polymers to which branches of low molecular weight subunits (LMW) are attached. These have two cysteine residues capable of forming linear polymers only. The most probable structure of a basic molecular unit of glutenin polymers is shown by the model by Wieser (Wieser et al., 2005) (Fig. 89) which already has a molecular weight of about 2 million. A very high molecular weight is rapidly obtained by enlarging the backbone of HMW units. The volume of subunits determined by microscopy is about 2 • 10-5 μm3, so glutenin particles of the size of a B-starch kernel would contain about 70,000 molecular "Wieser units".

Fig. 89: Wieser model of a basic molecular unit of glutenin with the three types of subunits (LMW/HMW = low/high molecular weight; GS = glutenin subunit)
Considering the gluten strands visible at low magnification in dough (Fig. 90 and Fig. 91), a lot of molecules have to stick together in order to produce the large extensible elastic structures. We do not know if this is done only by secondary forces like hydrogen bonds or if molecules are entangled (Singh and MacRitchie, 2001), nor if the latter is already done in the protein bodies of the endosperm cells. These cellular gluten bodies already have a dimension of up to 5 μm and spontaneously generate very long structures of glutenin when flour particles are put on a water surface (Fig. 90). But it is not unusual for globular proteins to unfold and spread on a water-to-air surface.
Fig. 90: Gluten structures issuing from a flour particle on a water surface.
Fig. 91: Glutenin filaments (stained green) separated from gliadin.
The filaments behave like the spokes of an umbrella. Between them there is a surface film of gliadin which we were able to remove, using a special technique with diluted ethanol. On the addition of water the glutenin filaments contracted and took on an irregular shape (Fig. 91). We were able to demonstrate the elastic character and high cohesiveness of the gluten in filaments. When stirred with a glass capillary the filaments easily stick together and form big lumps of gluten.

Different lumps or filaments spontaneously stick together when they come into contact, forming large gluten structures. This must occur in the unmixed flour system (Unbehend et al., 2004). Gluten also aggregates without an input of mechanical energy and therefore without entanglements of glutenin. This results in a poorly extensible dough.

To obtain a more extensible dough, the structures arising from the endosperm cells of the flour particles have to be extended and disentangled in a kneader or mixer by high shear forces. The aligned glutenin structures will then interact at many more contact points and form bundles of filaments which may form entanglements again on relaxation.

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